For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
1 Peter 2:25
MedMissionary (YouTube)
Videos about how to be healed through a natural lifestyle. Also includes interviews about various health and Bible topics.
Amazing Discoveries TV has many wonderful videos on topics such as current events, healthful living, archaeology, creation science and more.
Video Sermons from Joe Crews
These videos provide a good introduction to topics such as the Sabbath, Daniel & Revelation. Pastor Joe Crews uses clear logic to explain the meaning of scripture.
What's Up, Prof?
"Our aim with this new discussion show, is to informally discuss current events from around the world with Walter Veith and how it pertains to prophecy."
It Is Written (YouTube)
It Is Written includes interviews, documentaries, Bible questions and answers, Bible studies and more.
Cosmic Conflict
This documentary video explains the origin of evil and includes artistic recreations of what the war in heaven might have been like.
Revelation: The Bride, the Beast & Babylon
This documentary video explains some of the prophecies regarding the history of the church from the 1st century onwards, from after Jesus left the earth to the emergence of the "Beast" and "Mother of Harlots".
White Horse Media
Pastor Steve Wohlberg's website has good videos and articles for learning the Bible, especially the prophecies of Daniel & Revelation and end times events.
Belt of Truth (YouTube)
A variety of topics including current events & Bible prophecy, health & media addiction and American history.
Timeline of Bible History
This timeline helps to organize Bible events from past to future. (It works best on a large screen.)
Ellen White Audio
Ellen White's books may be listened to here, such as Desire of Ages and the Great Controversy.
The Seventh Day
This documentary series covers the history of earth from the beginning until our times with regard to the Sabbath day.
Youth Resources
3ABN Kids Network
Shows for youth such as Bible studies, creation science, music and sing-along, cooking, and more. Press the "WATCH" button to watch the stream.
Awesome Science Media on YouTube
Videos about science and the natural world, and the animal and plant wonders which God created. Some videos explain evidence of Noah's flood.
Bible Studies
History Documents
J.S. Bach - Zion Hears the Watchmen Singing - JD Edition (PDF)