For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. 1 Peter 2:25

Church & State Beliefs of Arians

[Below are the words of Theodoric, an Arian king]

I am, you know, and I have often declared it, an enemy to all kind of persecution; I have suffered not only the inhabitants of Italy, but even my Goths, to embrace and profess, undisturbed, which of the two religions they thought the most pleasing to God; and, in the distribution of my favors, have hitherto made no distinction between catholic and heretic.

Archibald Bower- Samuel Hanson Cox, D.D., A History of the Popes, (Philidel-phia, PA: Griffith & Simon, 1847), 1:324-327.
See also, Archibald Bower, A History of the Popes from the Foundations of the See of Rome to the Present Time (London, England), 1750, 2:312-318.
See also: Theophanes the Confessor. ad ann. 524. Chronicle by Marcellinus Comes.

27. King Theodoric to all the Jews living in Genoa.

The Jews are permitted to roof in the old walls of their synagogue, but they are not to enlarge it beyond its old borders, nor to add any kind of ornament, under pain of the King's sharp displeasure; and this leave is granted on the understanding that it does not conflict with the thirty years' 'Statute of Limitations.'

'Why do ye desire what ye ought to shun? In truth we give the permission which you craved, but we suitably blame the desire of your wandering minds. We cannot order a religion, because no one is forced to believe against his will.'

Cassiodorus. The Letters of Cassiodorus. Translator: Thomas Hodgkin.

[The below quote is from Agilan, a Visigoth, to Gregory of Tours, a Catholic Bishop.]

"You must not blaspheme against a faith which you yourself do not accept. You notice that we who do not believe the things which you believe nevertheless do not blaspheme against them. It is no crime for one set of people to believe in one doctrine and another set of people to believe in another...."

Thorpe, L. Trans. Gregory of Tours-The History of the Franks (Harmonds-worth, 1974), 309-10.